
As we move on to the modern era, transferring information becomes easier and faster due to the existence of the internet, mobile phone, and any other tools for spreading information. However, we should not forget that the main tool which makes this information transfer possible is language, particularly human language. Thus, the urgency of learning English, the international language, becomes stronger. By mastering English, we can get more connections, broader knowledge, and even better jobs. That's why I want to share my knowledge about what we can do to effectively learn English.

Step 1: Try to Learn English as a Language


There is no doubt that English is a language. However, people often forget that learning a language is far more different from learning any other school subject. We cannot learn English just by memorizing vocabulary like how we memorize types of bones in Biology. Likewise, we can never be fluent in English only by understanding grammar like we understand how to solve math questions. 

So, how actually should we learn English? Are memorizing vocabulary and understanding grammar even worth doing?

Now, let's go back in time and imagine yourself as a kid, trying to learn your mother language. Did you memorize the vocabulary? Did you even bother yourself to write down all grammar rules and start memorizing and understanding them? Of course, not. 

So, how did you learn your mother language? The answer is that you didn't learn it. You acquired it. 

Despite of that, acquiring other languages we are not familiar with is different when we get older. Our ability to naturally acquire language decreases, especially when we don't get enough exposure to the target language. That's why we need to actively learn the target language which makes learning language knowledge such as vocabulary and grammar important when we try to learn English. 

However, it should be noted that all of them would be meaningless if they are not accompanied with enough practice.

Therefore, instead of learning English like any other school subject, we should learn it as a language. Instead of only memorizing vocabulary and understanding grammar independently, we should piece them all together. Then, the best way for piecing our language knowledge together is by practicing it frequently. Without regular practice and exposure to the target language, our language knowledge will just unnecessarily stay deep within our brains.

Step 2: Set English Language Skills as Your Learning Goals


After knowing that learning English is way more different than learning any other school subject, we should set our learning goals. However, the common mistake language learners often make is that they focus too much on learning language knowledge such as grammar and vocabulary and they forget that the main outcome of language learning is actually the language skills. 

By setting these skills as our learning goals, the language learning process may become easier. Let's take an example. Imagine if you are learning English at your school, memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules without thinking about you will use them in the future. You will only get yourself stuck in the middle of the bunch of papers you are trying to learn. It's because you don't see the practical outcome of your learning. 

On the other hand, if you realize that you are going to use those vocabularies and grammar rules in your reading, listening, speaking, and writing, you will start your learning by trying to understand the context in which that language knowledge will be used. You will naturally have the eagerness to put the language knowledge you are learning into practice. It's because you have already figured out what you want to do with the knowledge. That's why it is really important to set English language skills as your learning goals.

Step 3: Practice Your English Language Skills


As I mentioned above, practice is really important in learning English. What should be practiced in learning a language are none other than language skills. After setting them as our goals, we should practice them regularly in order to make ourselves used to applying our language knowledge into practice. 

The way we should practice our language skills differs according to what skill we want to develop. Here are some basics of how to practice each of your English language skills.

1. How to Practice English Reading Skill

The most important thing to practice your English reading skill is, of course, to read a lot of English reading materials. However, you should also pay attention to what you choose for your reading and how you are reading. 

For starters, try to read something easy and the genre you like, for example, short stories and comics. To enhance your reading ability, you should try reading something heavier like novels and articles. For you who likes historical fantasy novels, I recommend you to read "Night Watch" by Terry Pratchett

Then, If your goal is to acquire academic reading skills, it is advisable for you to try reading academic papers such as research articles and books. It is also important to choose the topics you are familiar with before choosing something heavier.

How you are reading is also important to be taken into account. Even though you are struggling with unfamiliar vocabulary, you should try reading all things before opening your dictionary. It's because opening a dictionary will distract you, and it will also hinder your brain to absorb and piece together the information.

2. How to Practice English Writing Skill

There are some advice on how to enhance your writing skills. 
  • The first one is to read a lot of materials. Writing is closely related to reading because reading can enrich your vocabulary knowledge which can be used in your writing. 
  • The second one is that you should learn how to manage your idea in your writing. Learning how to make a good outline is preferable. 
  • Lastly, remember that you can revise your writing anytime. Try not to be satisfied with only one draft of your writing. This way, you will get encouraged to write using your full capacity.

3. How to Practice English Listening Skill

Practicing English listening skills is probably the most enjoyable English language skills practice. You can watch your favorite movies and videos, and also listen to your favorite podcast or music. It is really recommended for you to also read the English subtitles or lyrics so that you will know how some vocabularies are written. This way, if you listen to the vocabulary on the other tracks, you will notice it right away. Don't forget to also read the translation so that you can fully understand what people are saying in English.

4. How to Practice English Speaking Skill

Like how writing is closely related to reading, speaking is also related strongly to listening. By listening, you will remember how certain words are pronounced. Then, you can apply the acquired pronunciation to your speaking. Besides, speaking is also related to reading and writing. It's because by reading, we will get more vocabulary, and by writing, we can learn how to organize our idea.

For starters, it is advisable for you to learn how to pronounce certain expressions. After that, you can find yourself an English conversation partner or try to do some monologue. It would be best if you take some opportunities to speak English in public. Aside from that, there are still many things you can do to practice your speaking fluency.

Those are some tips to practice your English skills. Even though they are different skills, they are still related to one another, so it would be best if you practice them simultaneously.

Step 4: Expose Yourself to the English Culture


Practicing our English skills is not complete without learning the English culture. The culture here is defined as the context in which the language is used. Different language also means different ways of thinking. That's why to fully master a language, we should also understand how the natives are thinking. By doing so, we can determine the right context for using the language. Thus, it is really important to expose yourself to the target language culture, particularly English. 

Exposing ourselves to the English culture can be done by:
  • watching your favorite English movies;
  • listening to English songs;
  • reading English articles, newspapers, or novels; and
  • finding yourself a native English speaker for helping you practice.
Those exposures can also help you to develop your brain to think in English, and you will be fluent in no time.

Learning English is important, and it is really beneficial if we can learn it effectively. There are some steps to be followed in order to achieve effective English learning. Thus, I hope this article will help you to learn English effectively. Good luck!